Saturday, September 17, 2011

Food & Food Culture

I love discovering the tropical fruits that don't even exist back home; instead of defining them, my dictionary can only mumble that there is "no equivalent" in English. Here is the Caju fruit - it's strange, pulpy and milky to eat, but delicious in juice. The green nubbin on top is actually a "cashew nut" - or it will be, once it's properly processed. Until the nuts are roasted, they are actually toxic.

More beautiful fruit at the Mercado Municipal...

Palmito (hearts of palm) are a common ingredient in everything...

"Bacalhau" or salt cod: a reminder of Brazil's past as a Portuguese colony...

Like Argentina, Brazil has had significant Italian immigration. One of the most traditional lunches is a Mortadela sandwich...

There are strong regional differences in Brazil, but the cradle of the culture is around Bahia and Recipe in the northeast. Here is a vendor at a street fair selling traditional Bahian food and wearing traditional dress.

I had a fried manioc ball, with sauces and little dried shrimps. The green sauce was almost like a guacamole!

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